Must know ECMAScript


This list is not meant to provide a comprehensive overview of JavaScript features. Instead, it highlights ES6+ features that are worth paying attention to, along with a few additional language features I’ve found particularly useful, though they may not be widely adopted.


  1. Modules
  2. let
  3. const
  4. Nullish coalescing operator – ( ?? )
  5. Optional chaining – ( ?. )
  6. Logical OR assignment – (||=)
  7. Destructing assignment
  8. Arrow functions
  9. for of loop
  10. for wait of
  11. Set object
  12. Classes
  13. Promises
  14. Async functions
  15. Default parameters
  16. Spread operator
  17. String methods
  18. Array methods
  19. Working with objects / dictionaries
  20. Object.entries
  21. Object.freeze
  22. Object.groupBy